The Washington Real Estate Broker Association (WREBA) is a local chapter of the National Association of Real Estate Brokers (NAREB) that represents African American real estate professionals and those who serve minority communities. 

WREBA is committed to promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion in the real estate industry, and to advocating for policies and practices that promote fair housing and equal opportunity. WREBA provides education, networking opportunities, and resources to its members, enabling them to succeed in a competitive industry.

In addition to its advocacy work, WREBA also operates several programs and initiatives designed to support African American homeownership and wealth building. These programs include the NAREB Wealth Building Initiative, which provides financial literacy and homeownership education to minority communities, and the Two Million New Black Homeowners initiative, which aims to increase African American homeownership rates across the country, specifically in the D.C. area.

Overall, WREBA plays an important role in promoting diversity and equity in the real estate industry, and in supporting African American homeownership and wealth building in the Washington, D.C. metropolitan area.